Part Number Description
NCS2002-AC= NCS 2002 AC PS with Backup Memory
NCS2002-DC= NCS 2002 ANSI DC Power Filter
NCS2002-DC NCS 2002 ANSI DC Power Filter
NCS2002-DDR= NCS 2002 Deep Door
NCS2002-DDR NCS 2002 Deep Door
NCS2002-DC-E NCS 2002 ETSI DC Power Filter
NCS2002-DC-E= NCS 2002 ETSI DC Power Filter
NCS2002-FTA= NCS 2002 Fan Tray
NCS2002-SEC-K9 NCS 2002 Security ATO (assemble to order)
NCS2002-SA NCS 2002 Shelf Assembly
NCS2002-SA= NCS 2002 Shelf Assembly
NCS2002-DR= NCS 2002 Standard Door
NCS2002-DR NCS 2002 Standard Door
NCS2002-FTA NCS2002 chassis 2nd gen fan tray
NCS2002-AC NCS2002 chassis AC power supply with memory
NCS2002-CAB-DEFL= NCS2002/M2 Front-to-Back air defl, 19,21,23 cabinets,23 rack
NCS2002-CAB-DEFL NCS2002/M2 Front-to-Back air defl, 19,21,23 cabinets,23 rack